The Professional Edge: Choosing a Licensed Company Over a Handyman

  When faced with home repairs or maintenance tasks, homeowners often wrestle with the decision between hiring a handyman and opting for a professional company. While handymen can offer quick fixes at a potentially lower cost, the benefits of choosing a licensed, insured, and professional company, especially for plumbing, heating, cooling, and electrical work, are

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Tips to keep the holidays festive and not flammable

If you’ll be spending some time in the next few weeks decorating your Roanoke home by hanging lights on trees, roofs and eaves, using your stove more to make delightful treats or by affixing other electrical decorations around your home, you should also spend a little time ensuring that your electrical system can handle the

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Fall Outdoor Lighting Tips and Safety

As summer transitions to autumn, more and more homeowners will be enjoying the cooler evenings on their porches and patios, and an outdoor lighting system is the perfect complement to the change in weather.    If not correctly installed and maintained, however, exterior lighting can pose some serious safety hazards. The Roanoke electrical experts at

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