Common Household Electrical Issues

Common Household Electrical Issues: A Shocking Revelation?

As experts in residential home services since 1995, we’ve witnessed our fair share of hair-raising electrical issues. In this blog, we’ll shed some light on common household electrical issues, including backstabbed outlets and the shocking side effects they can have. So, grab your voltage meter (if you have one) and let’s dive into the electrifying world of household electrical problems!


Backstabbed Outlets: A Shocking Practice

Picture this: you plug in your phone charger, and suddenly, the outlet goes on strike. This could be due to a backstabbed outlet – a practice where the wires are simply stabbed into the back of the outlet. As shocking as it sounds, this lazy wiring method can lead to poor connections, overheating, and even electrical fires.


The Voltage Drop: Dimming Your Expectations

Ever notice your lights dimming when you plug in your vacuum cleaner? That’s the voltage drop making its presence known. Voltage drop occurs when the wiring in your home isn’t up to par, causing a decrease in electrical potential. It’s a common issue that can leave you feeling “dimmed” and powerless. Don’t worry – Our electrical experts are here to amp up your knowledge on this electrifying topic!


Flickering Lights: A Tale of Unstable Currents

Ah, the classic flickering lights scenario. You plug in your hairdryer, and suddenly, your home feels like a disco with its flickering lights. This can be a sign of unstable currents or overloaded circuits, leading to flickering lights and, in some cases, breakers throwing a “trip” tantrum. It’s shocking how something as simple as plugging in an appliance can lead to such illuminating issues!


We hope this blog has sparked your interest in the electrifying world of household electrical issues. Remember, when it comes to electrical problems, it’s best to call in the professionals at Southern Trust Home Services. Our team is here to fully educate you and bring you alongside them as they explain your home’s health journey. Stay tuned for more informative content from us, and remember – don’t be shocked by electrical issues, just give us a call at 540-305-8385.

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