Reduce heating costs with a digital thermostat for your Roanoke home


Save money, time, and energy with a modern thermostat

It’s getting cold, and you’ve been on top of getting your Roanoke home ready for winter.

Furnace tune-up. Check.

Home winterized. Check.

Thermostat upgraded. Wait.

No, don’t wait. Call Southern Trust to upgrade your old thermostat to a new digital model. You’ll save money and have greater control of the temperature in your home, even when you aren’t there.

Fifty percent of a home’s energy budget goes toward heating and cooling costs. Even incremental adjustments in thermostat settings can have a noticeable impact on your electric bills. A smart thermostat can save you nearly $200 per year in energy costs. You may also qualify for a local, state or federal tax break or conservation incentive.

Here are five more reasons to upgrade to a programmable thermostat:

  1. Comfort. You can program your heat system to cycle on right before you arrive home or right before you get out of bed. There’s no shivering while waiting on your house to warm up.
  2. Compatibility. Our thermostat options are compatible with most major brands of heating equipment.
  3. Safety. If you live in an older home with an aging heat source, there’s a good chance your old thermostat contains mercury. A digital thermostat is a safer replacement for that old-school mercury thermostat.
  4. Simplicity. There are no complicated mechanical parts in a digital thermostat. That keeps maintenance costs down.
  5. Clarity. There’s no reason to fumble around for your reading glasses or shine a flashlight to check thermostat settings. Digital thermostat settings and temperatures are easy to decipher with the naked eye.

Contact Southern Trust today or call (540) 343-4348 to get with the modern digital program. You’ll be glad you did.

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