Dealing with heating emergencies in your Roanoke home


Brrr! You wake up in the morning and the heat’s off! What’s going on? Winters may be milder here than they are up north, but morning temperatures are often below freezing in January and February. Your Roanoke furnace experts at Southern Trust Home Services can help you warm up in a jiffy!

Before you call us, there are a couple simple things you can check yourself. What’s the thermostat setting? Is the thermostat working or is the display blank? If your thermostat is battery powered, are the batteries fresh? Check your electrical box to see if the breaker for the furnace is tripped. If it is, that’s not a good sign and it needs to be checked out. Turn it on to see if your furnace comes on, then call us. Finally, there’s an on/off switch for your furnace located in the furnace room. It may even be mounted on the side of the furnace. While it’s unlikely that somebody turned it off, check it anyway.

Next, call us at (540) 305-8385, and we’ll be out as quickly as we can. There’s a link on our website that says, “See how fast we can get to you.” Click the button that says, “schedule now” and you can book online.

Furnaces stop working for a variety of reasons and many of them are related to safety. If your furnace burner comes on but the fan motor doesn’t, the furnace will shut off on a high temperature limit. When the gas valve opens, a flame sensor detects that the burner actually lit; if it didn’t, it shuts off the gas valve. Many furnaces have draft inducer fans that push exhaust gases up the chimney. If the draft inducer won’t come on, a safety interlock will shut off the burner. All furnaces these days are controlled by circuit boards. If the circuit board is faulty, the furnace won’t come on.

Because many furnace failures can be unsafe to tackle on your own, furnace repair is not a do-it-yourself venture. Call the experts at Southern Trust. The best way to prevent having to bundle up on a cold January morning is to schedule us for our exclusive “1-Year No-Breakdown Guarantee” tune-up. We’ll also throw in a free carbon monoxide detector when you sign up!

Your furnace will be guaranteed to be trouble-free or else we’ll come out for free to figure out the problem, plus refund your original fee. Call us today at (540) 305-8385 for all of your furnace service needs.

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