Dealing with Plumbing Emergencies

Plumbing Emergency

The sound of rushing water is pleasant and relaxing if you’re on vacation, but not so much when it’s coming from your basement. Plumbing emergencies can happen at any time. A pipe could burst, flooding your Roanoke home, or the sewer could back up, making a horrible mess of everything. And, what you do in […]

5 things to check if you suspect a water leak in your Roanoke home

You definitely don’t want a four-figure water bill. But even if it’s comma-free, it could be high enough to merit a common question: Do I have a water leak? Southern Trust Home Services can dispatch an expert to help track down your water leak in the Roanoke area, but here are a few things you can […]

Do you know what to do if you have a pipe burst in your Roanoke home?

While the coldest weather of winter may be past in Roanoke, a sudden cold snap can push the plumbing in your Roanoke home past the breaking point, leaving you with a home disaster. If you are concerned about the plumbing in your Roanoke home and the damage that may be done from a burst pipe, […]

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